Global Leaders in Procurement & Negotiations (

Purchasing Process

Negotiating with Suppliers that have ALL the Bargaining Power

I have more and more clients that are struggling with pandemic negotiations with suppliers who hold all the bargaining power.  There’s really only 2 things that can be done to address this: Or you can keep hammering the supplier on price, but you are already doing that, and you were doing it before the pandemic […]

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Writing the Other Party’s Negotiation Victory Speech

Something we focus very little on in negotiations is how to make the other party look and feel successful out of the deal.  All of our focus is on how to make ourselves look, feel, and actually be successful in negotiations – and letting our management chain know.  But the other party has a management

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Here’s Why Your Legal Dept Holds Up Negotiations

I’ll cut to the chase on this one: The problem is not the legal department.  The problem is you and your procurement dept.  Let me explain. There’s really a few pieces involved.  We’ll knock one of them out now.  The legal dept is viewed as overhead.  That means they will never be sufficiently funded, and

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The Fallacy of At The Table Negotiations

I saw an article just this last week in LinkedIn describing different scenarios for buyer and seller to go back and forth on negotiation terms for best outcomes – offer, response, counter offer, counter response, etc.  It was touted as a game changing system, and was even given a name and trademarked, indicating it was

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Purchasing Training ~ Breakthrough Negotiation

Getting Breakthrough Negotiation Results Suppliers are pretty smart.  They are smarter than you think actually.  Did you know sales people spend up to 40% of their time in training, while purchasing on average spends less than 2% of their time in training? It’s no wonder they are able to be so capable in selling solutions.  And as the

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The Purchasing Organization’s Biggest Enemy

We talked earlier about purchasing professional’s biggest enemy being a lack of contract knowledge, thinking a contract approved by the legal department is a good contract, and using contracts as seat belts instead of as anti-lock brakes – resulting in endless time spent putting out fires in your day job. Now let’s take a different

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Purchasing Negotiation Training

How Much Time Are You Spending Preparing for Negotiations? I’m here to break myths and to kill bad practices. We need to start doing business differently as purchasing professionals. Putting out fires all day is not going to cut it. Hey, I’m not an academic, I’ve been there, remember? I was doing public and in-house

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The #1 Deadly Mistake Purchasing Pros Make

After twenty years of doing thousands of hours of purchasing training and seminars and consulting in 15 different countries, I think I’ve seen it all.  There are so many lingering opportunities in our profession to do things better. Purchasing pros are deeply disconnected with what’s not working however. How do I know? People only want

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Supplier Negotiation Strategies, Part 4

This is the last in this series for now – a series about supplier negotiation strategies. It’s all about counter-intelligence, and knowing what suppliers may do, and being able to anticipate, respond, and diffuse such strategies. Of course I have a multitude of content on such counter-intelligence strategies, but there is only so much I

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