Purchasing Negotiation Strategies for BREAKTHROUGH TCO
- 4 Lessons
- 6 Hours
- 3 Year

Negotiations are the most critical aspect of being a Procurement Rock Star. Omid G has developed this training course, jam packed with what is normally taught in a 3 day seminar, all in a 6 Hour Training Series.
We were able to do this because you have limitless access to this material, and so the pace and content is much more condensed – you will learn something new every time you take this training.
Here is what you will learn:
- How to use three powerful words that will provide breakthrough results in negotiations
- Innovative and easy methods to take costs out of the supply chain for a win/win for you and the supplier
- List Item
- How to utilize advanced principles to meet & exceed your TCO objectives while ensuring the supplier feels great about the deal
- Why most of your cost savings opportunities can be found in SOW/Spec modifications, and why you need to ensure that they are designed for TCO
- Powerful and proven methodology to “Call a Supplier’s Bluff” when they say they will walk from a deal
- How to anticipate, recognize, and respond to supplier negotiation tactics such as Nibbling, Value Based Pricing, and Results Exaggeration techniques
- Get the supplier to be your partner and advocate in delivering greater cost savings and make them excited about reducing price through cost reductions
- The surprising reasons why negotiations are won and lost before they ever start, and what you need to do differently to make sure you take advantage of this
- How to use a special trick to get supplier quotations at much lower cost and with improved specifications
- Know what positions to open with and what positions to finish with in negotiations
- How and when to use should cost, must cost, and total cost models – and how to avoid critical mistakes purchasing professionals make every day with these cost models
- Know when to use benchmarking and when it’s not needed; know which type of cost model to use, every time
- How to slash negotiation cycle time using a critical purchasing technique that will put hours and hours of free time back on your calendar
- How to build a total cost case that leaves the supplier no choice but to deliver lowest TCO
- Have your supplier gather purchasing best practices from other companies on your behalf – without having to take any of your own time to gather the information.
- Use a lesser known contract clause to answer the constant question from your boss “how do you KNOW you are getting the best price?” and how to prove that you are in fact getting the best price in industry, every time!
Take your purchasing results to the next level and boost your career, results, and income with Negotiation Strategies for Breakthrough TCO.
- English
- Exercises and Quizzes to help you put theory into practical
- Beginner & intermediate
- Access on mobile and desktop
- 3 Year Access
- Certificate on completion