Global Leaders in Procurement & Negotiations (


Negotiating with Suppliers that have ALL the Bargaining Power

I have more and more clients that are struggling with pandemic negotiations with suppliers who hold all the bargaining power.  There’s really only 2 things that can be done to address this: Or you can keep hammering the supplier on price, but you are already doing that, and you were doing it before the pandemic

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Negotiating with Rainmakers

There’s an existential crisis in procurement.  One we never talk about. The crisis is this: companies invest probably 10,000 times more in the sales function than they do in the procurement function. And procurement is negotiating with sales. If you pay really close attention, your sales negotiation counterparts, when coming from a company of similar size, will

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Writing the Other Party’s Negotiation Victory Speech

Something we focus very little on in negotiations is how to make the other party look and feel successful out of the deal.  All of our focus is on how to make ourselves look, feel, and actually be successful in negotiations – and letting our management chain know.  But the other party has a management

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Here’s Why Your Legal Dept Holds Up Negotiations

I’ll cut to the chase on this one: The problem is not the legal department.  The problem is you and your procurement dept.  Let me explain. There’s really a few pieces involved.  We’ll knock one of them out now.  The legal dept is viewed as overhead.  That means they will never be sufficiently funded, and

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