Global Leaders in Procurement & Negotiations (


Negotiating with Suppliers that have ALL the Bargaining Power

I have more and more clients that are struggling with pandemic negotiations with suppliers who hold all the bargaining power.  There’s really only 2 things that can be done to address this: Or you can keep hammering the supplier on price, but you are already doing that, and you were doing it before the pandemic

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Here’s Why Your Legal Dept Holds Up Negotiations

I’ll cut to the chase on this one: The problem is not the legal department.  The problem is you and your procurement dept.  Let me explain. There’s really a few pieces involved.  We’ll knock one of them out now.  The legal dept is viewed as overhead.  That means they will never be sufficiently funded, and

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The Fallacy of At The Table Negotiations

I saw an article just this last week in LinkedIn describing different scenarios for buyer and seller to go back and forth on negotiation terms for best outcomes – offer, response, counter offer, counter response, etc.  It was touted as a game changing system, and was even given a name and trademarked, indicating it was

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